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Our Core Values

The Bible Methodist Connection of Churches is a God-exalting, Christ-centered, Spirit-led Church, which endeavors to live out the following values in a gracious, nurturing community.

  1.  Biblical Authority – We acknowledge the Word of God as our final authority for doctrine and practice.

  2.  Authentic Worship – We seek to glorify God by whole-heartedly exalting His supreme worth in corporate and personal worship.

  3.  Fervent Prayer – We rely on corporate and private prayer for communion with God and a source of spiritual power in life and ministry.

  4.  Biblical Preaching – We believe that clear preaching and teaching of God’s Word is His plan for the saving of souls and maturing of believers.

  5.  Scriptural Holiness – We believe that God calls every believer to holiness that rises out of His character. We understand it to begin in the new birth, include a second work of grace that empowers, purifies and fills each person with the Holy Spirit, and continue in a lifelong pursuit.

  6.  Holy Living – We believe that God calls all believers to a life of holiness, and that His Spirit enables us in this pursuit through union with Christ.

  7.  Missional Outreach – We are a sent people who embrace the call of Christ to impact the world through evangelism, church planting, missions and meeting social needs in each community.

  8.  Intentional Discipleship – We purpose that through biblical instruction and mentoring relationships we will make disciples who obey Christ and disciple others.

  9.  Loving Community – We commit to live out the "one another" commands of Scripture in a unified, redemptive community.

  10.  Family Focused – We partner with the family to model and perpetuate the Christian faith from generation to generation.


Great Lakes Conference

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Pastor Blake Jones


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